Friday, May 14, 2010

Small engine savior!

I have a lawn tractor, and it has been under the weather since last fall. I have been trying to have it looked at for awhile, but as I do not have a way to get it into a shop, have been hindered. Today, I was desperate, looking at my 5 acres of fields needing to be mowed, I told myself I would find someone.

That someone was Doug Altermatt, owner of Engine Rehab, LLC. He specializes in small engine rehab and repairs. The best part of it..he comes to you!

I called this morning, he was at my door this afternoon. After a quick check-up, he figured out what was going on, and had the tractor up and running. Unbelieveable level of service in my mind. so, here is a plug for have something that needs repair, a tune-up, blades sharpened, give him a call.

(509) 481-5800

Thanks Doug!.